Gail Ellen Padwe
My mom models a level of generosity where she figuratively and literally gives the shirt off her back for the people in her life. This is the most sacred and impactful thing I have learned from my mother and it has made all the difference for me.
(Story shared by Priscilla Rose, Futuring-Leader Trainer , Author, Speaker)
Colorado, USA
I learned to give my time, my resources, my words and my spirit generously because of her example. She thinks it is nothing, but to those in her orbit, it is everything. We can always count on her to be there for us if she is at all able - she will make it work. And she usually brings an extra coat or gloves or food or drinks. She never comes empty handed, which means she’s been thinking about you and planning to see what you might need or want. She is generous with her words - always writing a hand-written note which her big flowery cursive writing to make you feel seen and special!
I attribute my generosity of time and spirit to my mom’s example. She is a learner and always sharing what she learns. I wrote my first book out of wanting to generously share with people what I had learned and what would be made possible for them. Even though I saw myself as more shy and preferred to hide, being generous with my learning and story was more important and gave me the courage to get through all the stages to actually publish the book and share The Future Belongs to Those Who Dare with the world. It became a bestseller immediately and I am publishing the second edition this year.
I love you momma! You’re the most generous person I know. Thank you for thinking of those you love every day, for praying for us,
for giving us everything you can in small and practical and also big gestured ways. Thank you for always being curious and
wanting to learn and grow and be better. I am beyond grateful you are in my world and only hope to continue
the legacy of generosity that you have so powerfully modeled for all of us!