Liberty Galloway
"Don’t worry (anak), everything will be alright, just pray, let go and let God”
(Story shard by Brandy Jones Breth, Film/Documentary Producer & Social Entrepreneur & Mom of two)
California, USA
My mom’s faith in God showed me that everything in life will eventually turn out ok because it is in his hands. This way of thinking allowed me to live a care-free, go-getter life. I was never afraid of going after my dreams of going away to college in Boston, being a movie producer in NYC and living in LA creating a family and because of her I’m able to create loving relationships and friendships no matter where I am. This precious advice helps me be a confident new mommy to my son. I’m raising him by keeping things simple and worry-free so that he too can live a life fully self-expressed and know that anything is possible with love and faith in God.
To my dear mom, there are not enough words to describe how much I love and admire you. Because of you, I had the most amazing childhood. I got to witness your hard work, leadership and kindness to others which made a big impact on me. Because of you, I strived to be an exemplary young woman that you could be proud of and now I hope to be as an amazing mother to Sebastian as you are to me. Thank you for your love.